Categoria: Sober living

  • Most Common Relapse Triggers and How to Manage Them

    Self-care strategies, such as following the HALT acronym (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired), can help individuals maintain a balanced state. Addressing these high-risk conditions is essential for preventing relapse. These types of relapse triggers are related to your environment — people, places, and objects physically around you that can spark memories of substance abuse. Encountering these…

  • Suboxone and Alcohol: Side Effects and Overdose Risk

    It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you or someone you know is experiencing any of these effects as a result of mixing Suboxone and alcohol. It is crucial to understand the dangers of mixing Suboxone and alcohol and to avoid doing so. Suboxone has been a gamechanger for many patients, and mixing…

  • Жилье STH Resource Guide for NYC Families & Students in Temporary Housing

    Eco Sober Houses is a trusted housing service provider that offers an opportunity to adapt to a new life in a clean and healthy environment. This establishment is an ideal choice for those who want to achieve substantial improvement. Eco Sober Houses have an excellent location, making it easier to enjoy public amenities nearby.…

  • How To Rebuild Relationships During Addiction Recovery Lantana Recovery: Addiction Treatment Rehab Center

    Support or advice from others in the same situation can go a long way – and keep you accountable. Learn how to make amends with those in your life and the steps to take to get to that point with your loved ones. Go to a meeting when you are feeling frustrated or that you…

  • Tapering Off Alcohol: Is It Safe and Should You Do It?

    This can equate to as much as a full bottle of beer or less than two tablespoons of whisky. It is important to measure your alcohol use in standard drinks while tapering to allow for an accurate comparison of how much you use from day to day. A substitution taper can involve substituting a prescription…

  • Alcohol and Depression: Breaking the Cycle

    The cycle of alcoholism and depression is not permanent, but it requires a holistic and integrated treatment approach to overcome. Addressing both conditions simultaneously through therapy, support groups, and medical interventions can provide the tools needed for recovery. Recognising this cycle and seeking professional help is the first step toward breaking free from its grip.…

  • How to Deal with Anger & Irritability When Quitting Drinking

    If it’s ignored, a person is likely to go back to their old ways which increases the chance of relapse. Because of this, a rehab programme should include appropriate anger-management therapy as well as addiction treatment. Sometimes you might be sad, does alcohol cause anger sometimes euphoric, sometimes nostalgic, and sometimes angry. Why Does Alcohol…

  • What Does Alcohol Do to Your Body?

    When people discuss alcohol’s effect on weight, they typically refer to the calories in alcohol as the leading cause of weight gain. The sizes of alcoholic drinks at a restaurant or bar are often larger than the standard amounts listed above. In some cases, 1 drink may actually have 2 or more servings of alcohol…

  • How to Taper off Alcohol Safely and Effectively

    Explore rebounding from addiction relapse with purpose, utilizing support and strategies for lasting recovery. Discover the connection between hypnosis and drug addiction, its effectiveness, and role in recovery. Explore addiction counseling degree programs and kickstart a rewarding career in helping others achieve recovery. Discover the risks of mixing alcohol and naproxen, including health complications and…

  • Am I an Alcoholic? How to Recognize the Signs and Symptoms

    In addition to getting professional treatment and support, there are things that you can do to help feel better and improve your chances of recovery. The primary difference between the MAST and AUDIT test is the length. MAST is a 25-item evaluation that can be cumbersome for first responders in a hospital or family members…